Portable Oxygen Concentrator Resource Center

LifeChoice Activox Sport

Written by Duke | May 29, 2014 9:35:00 PM

Inova Labs Inc., the company that brought you the original LifeChoice concentrator has just released the brand new LifeChoice Activox Sport. This means there are two separate LifeChoice Activox models available, the Activox Pro and the Activox Sport. Most of you have seen or heard of the Activox Pro and if you purchased a LifeChoice Activox before this week, chances are you have the Pro model.

The LifeChoice Activox Sport was developed to give oxygen patients another extremely lightweight portable oxygen concentrator. It weighs a mere 3.9 pounds and stands 9.05" x 4.38" D x 7.8" H. It even offers the same great features as the Activox Pro.

The Activox Sport has pulse flow settings 1-3 and it has the popular sleep mode technology. Because of the sleep mode technology, the Activox Sport can be used 24/7. With the Activox Sport you will no longer need to make arrangements to get a home oxygen concentrator when you arrive at your travel destination.

You will no longer need to rent a 20 pound portable oxygen concentrator to make it through your vacation.

As long as you do not require a CPAP or BiPAP machine you should be able to use the Activox Sport while you sleep.

To activate the sleep mode technology all you need to do is push the "Mode" button. If you are relaxing at home and happen to doze off while using the Activox Sport, the concentrator will automatically switch to sleep mode once it detects less than 17 breaths per minute.

Traveling with the Activox Sport is as easy as it gets. It is FAA approved and can be brought on airplanes, trains, buses, and cruise ships.

It has an internal battery that gets up to 4 hours on a setting of 2 and it has an optional external battery you can use. With the external battery, you can expect to get up to 7 hours of battery life on a setting of 2.

If you have the external battery attached, the concentrator will use the external battery first. To charge the Activox Sport's internal and external batteries you can plug into the AC or DC power supply.

When you are charging your batteries, the internal battery will charge first. Once the internal battery has been fully charged the external battery will begin to charge.

Take the LifeChoice Activox Sport virtually anywhere you go. Not only is it approved for commercial airline, train, cruise ship, and bus travel, but it also comes with a custom carrying case and a 4-way strap system.

The custom carrying case is a lightweight and durable material that will protect your Activox Sport from everyday bumps, scratches, and dings.

The 4-way strap system allows you to customize how you want to carry the Activox Sport.

It can be carried like a briefcase, around your waist, like a backpack, and over your shoulder like a purse. Inova Labs really knocked the ball out of the park with the Activox Sport. It epitomizes what portable oxygen concentrators are intended to be like.

+Duke Reeves